Tips and Tricks: Download YouTube Videos

Had a bit of a morning challenge from one of my clients on doing a bit of a hack on the WP-ExtremeVideo plugin we use over in my hosting. He wanted to have a link provided where you can download the YouTube Video as well as view it. A two second Google search found a form based YouTube downloader that I stuck up here. Unfortunetly, it had no method of passing on the URL of the video in question to the form. You still had to copy and paste it.

That's what I got to do this morning. :)

Unfortunetly since we can't edit the viewer here, if you want to use this on your own blogs, you have to manually provide a link. Here's how:

Take the URL of the video. For example this one:

http: //

See that bit after the question mark? All you need to do is copy and paste everything from that on to the following URL:

http: //

Which would give you:

http: //

Try it.

Note a space has been added after the colon for those links so you can see what is occuring. You do need to remove them to get them to work of course.

One minor bug. It appears that you might have to hit enter to get it to pick up on the input.