The Best Homemade Dog Shampoo
3:26 AM

Is your dog squeaky clean? Is your puppy fluffy? Does he smell fresh? If the answer to these questions is a resounding, "NO!" then you need to read on and find out what the world's best dog shampoo is.
What do you use on your dog? People shampoo? Baby shampoo? Do you go to the pet supply store and try to decide between the numerous dog shampoos available? There's dry skin shampoo, shampoo with highlights, shampoo for black dogs, white dogs, curly-haired dogs. It's enough to make you want to run screaming out of the store.
Been there, done that, and scared some children in the parking lot on my way out. Let me tell you about the dog shampoo I use, and have used since the very first time I was told about it, approximately 9 years ago.
It doesn't come from France and it doesn't cost $147.00 an ounce. You can't get it in a Hollywood Purse Puppy boutique. Matter of fact, you don't buy it at all. You make it yourself using just TWO ingredients found in any grocery store.
I was first told about this recipe when my golden retriever was just a puppy. A respected friend who is a responsible golden breeder, trainer and veterinary student swore by it so I gave it a shot.
I have NEVER purchased regular dog shampoo again. I was wary at first but as soon as I saw the suds, smelled that wonderful clean smell and realized how efficiently the shampoo rinsed off, I was a believer. Those of us who use this recipe like to say our dogs smell like a salad, and it's true!
It is simple, clean, easy to make and inexpensive. You can store it in an old shampoo bottle and just shake thoroughly before shampooing your dog.
You only need four things and about three minutes.
* A container such as a shampoo bottle or other squeeze bottle.
* CLEAR liquid antibacterial soap. Dial is recommended but I have also used generic.
* WHITE vinegar.
Mix equal parts vinegar and soap in your container. Shake well. You're done.
Use the shampoo the same way you would any dog shampoo. Be careful not to get it into your dog's eyes or ears. Start with a small amount because it lathers well and work the suds deep into the coat. Rinse well and dry. There is no wet dog smell and should be no residue on your dog's coat, due to the vinegar. The antibacterial aspect helps with parasites, dirt, and even minor skin abrasions and itchy or flaky skin.
What I love the most about this shampoo is the fresh smell stays for days! It's quite long lasting, your dog's coat will be soft and ultra-clean. And when someone comes in and says, "What is that good smell?" you can actually point to your dog.
Get going, now. I think your dog is running the bath.