Some Of The Prophet's Advice
9:55 PM

Dr. Amany Abul Fadl Farag | Language: English | Format: PDF | Pages: 212 | Size: 6 MB
The advice in this book concerns both boys and girls. The only exception is the instruction to prefer the first row in prayer, which is for men and boys. Both Arabic and English use the masculine pronoun “he” to refer to both males and females. To write “he Or she”, “his or her”, etc. is awkward. Therefore the reader should understand that the advice herein is for the parents of all -Muslim children, regardless of their sex.
In the Name of Allah the Most Beneficent the Most Merciful
However, such role models do not necessarily represent the ideal style of life, practices and beliefs that are
Praise be to Allah. We ask His forgiveness and seek refuge in Him from the evils of our souls and the mischief our deeds.
Whomever Allah guides will never be misled anyone else, and whomever Allah misleads will never be guided by anyone else.
I bear witness that there is no god but Allah the One and that Muhammad is His Messenger a Servant.
The truest words are those of Allah’s Book, and the best guidance is that of Muhammad (peace and blessings be up him).
This book presents some of the Prophet’s words advice to the Muslim child. It contains his advice, commands and instructions.
Our children are bounties from Allah. He entrusted us to protect them and bring them up in an Islamic manner that is directed
by both the Qur’an and the Sunnah.
Whenever our noble Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) learned that any of his Companions had been blessed with a baby,
his face would shine with joy and he would pray for that baby. Also~ whenever he passed by any children sitting or playing,
he would offer them his salutation: salaam.
Our children are dear to us and they are always in need of our care and guidance. The Prophet (peace and blessings be
upon him), whom Allah sent to be an instructor for people, offers our children in this book his words of advice that are
full of light.
For Allah suffices us and He is the best guardian