xWindowsDock 5.6
1:40 AM

Introducing the XWindows Dock
XWindows Dock - or XWD for short - is the newest free Windows 7,Vista and XP program of the class Application Launcher and Desktop Organizer. But it’s not just another one: it’s the result of years of use and observation of the many dock programs on the market, plus all functions you only dreamed that your dock would offer!
Sure some of the other ones are good, but none has all the functionalities XWindows Dock has for turning your user experience more productive and fun! Besides, XWD is in active development so that new functionalities are added at each new release.
No other Windows application of this class has so many graphical subtleties such as reflections, transparencies, shadow and blur in a single package, even less in a single free package. No Advanced, Plus or Enhanced version for tasting the real goods. Stacks, Lists and its exclusive Galleries are all there waiting for you!
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