Studies have been done to test how well latex condoms work for preventing HIV transmission. This research has shown that latex condoms are highly effective at protecting a person from transmitting or becoming infected with the virus. The studies were done on HIV-negative individuals at high-risk for the disease because there partners were HIV-positive. Latex condoms used consistently and correctly were effective 98-100% of the time.
While not having sex or to having sex with a long-term mutually monogamous partner who is not infected with HIV or other STDs is the only way to protect yourself completely, latex condoms used consistently and correctly are highly effective in preventing HIV and many other STDs. Click on the following link to find out more information about latex condoms in the ASHA Position Statement: Male Latex Condoms as a Public Health Intervention.
While not having sex or to having sex with a long-term mutually monogamous partner who is not infected with HIV or other STDs is the only way to protect yourself completely, latex condoms used consistently and correctly are highly effective in preventing HIV and many other STDs. Click on the following link to find out more information about latex condoms in the ASHA Position Statement: Male Latex Condoms as a Public Health Intervention.