Hawthorne Berries Extract and Heart Health

Hawthorne berries extract is an old herbal remedy for heart conditions. Today, Hawthorne berry tea is packaged and sold as a natural health supplement and the extract is an ingredient in some products designed to promote heart health.

Legends, historical evidence and scientific evaluation surround hawthorne berries extract. One Christian legend holds that the “Crown of Thorns” was made from the hawthorne tree or bush, which originally grew in Europe, Asia, Northern Africa and much of the Mediterranean region. Today, the shrub grows in many other areas of the world and the berries are believed by some to have miraculous healing properties.

Archeologists have found evidence that appears to indicate that ancient Chinese people used the berries to make a fermented beverage. Remnants of hawthorne berries extract have been found in pottery jars dating to pre-Christian times, around 7000 B.C. It is believed that these beverages were medically or religiously significant, even then.

The New York Medical Journal first published a report concerning the use of hawthorne berries extract in the treatment of heart disease in October 1896. A Dr. Green of Ennis, Ireland had developed a reputation for “curing” heart disease, but refused to share his secret with colleagues. After his death, his daughter revealed the name of the remedy used by her father. The name was Crataegus Oxycantha, the older botanical name for the Common Hawthorn. The official designation is now Crataegus monogyna, but the older name is often used. According to his notes, the doctor did not use hawthorne berry tea per se, but a kind of concentrate.

Clinical trials and research continued on the medicinal value of hawthorne berries extract throughout the early 1900’s and is still going on today. Scientific evaluation of the benefits of hawthorne berry tea to human health has only been partially completed. It is believed that antioxidants, flavonoids or other compounds such as epicatechin, quercetin and rutin, are responsible for the beneficial effects of hawthorne berries extract. It is sometimes added to health supplements designed to promote heart health, reduce blood pressure and correct unhealthy cholesterol levels.

The most recent studies of the medicinal value of hawthorn berries extract are related to its affect on the liver, the digestive system, the cardiovascular system and as an anti-inflammatory. Numerous studies have been completed. These studies do not use hawthorne berry tea, but a concentrated extract.

The hawthorne berries extract used by scientists has natural anti-inflammatory action. Chronic inflammation has been associated with numerous life threatening conditions including cancer and heart disease, but use of the known anti-inflammatory drugs does not reduce the risk of developing these conditions. In fact, NSAIDs increase blood pressure, which in turn increases the risk of heart disease and can be damaging to other organs of the body, as well.

On the other hand, it is believed that natural anti-inflammatories, such as those found in hawthorne berry tea, but also present in other fruits and vegetables can reduce cancer risks and the risk of heart disease. These natural compounds can also lower blood pressure and reduce blood cholesterol levels, two major risk factors for heart disease.

Hawthorne berries extract has been shown to reduce ulcerative colitis, probably due, once again, to its anti-inflammatory activity. Ulcerative colitis is one of the inflammatory bowel diseases. While not life threatening, it is difficult to live with and the best known treatment for many years was surgical removal of the affected parts of the bowel and colon. Some herbalists recommend hawthorne berry tea for people suffering from ulcerative colitis and other digestive problems.

Hawthorne berries extract has been shown to protect the liver from damage usually associated with cardiac events in laboratory animals. After a heart attack, liver function is impaired. The exact reasons for the beneficial affects of hawthorn berries extract on the liver are unknown.

In the vascular system, hawthorne berries extract has been shown to reduce calcification. It is calcification of arterial plaques that leads to atherosclerosis, which is commonly referred to as a hardening or narrowing of the arteries leading to the heart. Calcification of arterial plaques can also cause blood clots, leading to strokes and heart attacks. It is unknown if consuming hawthorne berry tea can provide the same benefits to the hearts of humans, since scientific studies have only been performed using lab animals and extracts.

Even though some health care professionals have recognized the medicinal value of hawthorne berries extract for over 100 years, research related to them is still considered preliminary. Most scientific research is funded by pharmaceutical companies and pharmaceutical companies cannot patent naturally occurring substances. So, hawthorne berry tea and other natural remedies are of little interest to them.

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